How it started: During the first lockdown, we decided to create our own maker market that would allow our staff to sell their handcrafted items while the world was shut down. We started out with 5 staff members as our vendors. After a few successful runs, we decided to make the market a quarterly event.
How it's going: We now hold markets throughout the year, with unique, local vendors each time. Our market is now held at our Perry studio at 1222 Main St. There is no entrance fee for customers.
When is the market?
Our next vendor event is Feb 4th, 2-6pm
how do I become a vendor?
Fill out our vendor form for our Galentine's Market, on Feb 4th! Vendors must be a small business maker / grower / creator (no MLM or corporation sellers).
Once we have your information, we will let you know what spots are available for our upcoming events!
How do i shop at the market?
Just stop on by! Upcoming market dates can also be found on our Facebook page and our website calendar page.
Met a vendor at out event and want find them?
Here is a list of all our past vendors!
The Aqua Thimble @aquathimble ASC Creations Beahive Plant Tribe @thebeahiveplanttribe BH Ceramics @bh.ceramics Bits and Pieces Freeze Dried Bonaire Design Co @bonairedesignco Brown Things @brownthingsco Cozy & Bright Candle Co @cozybrightcandleco The Creative Adult @the.creativeadult The Decal Gal @thedecalgalcompany Designs by the Duchess @designs_bythe_duchess Ducky's Magical Creations @duckysmagicalcreations Everything 'N a Jar Fall Line Brewing @fall_line_brewing Floral Creations by Denise Frosted Bakery @thefrostedbakery_ The Geeky Sphynx @geekysphynx The Glass Cat @theglasscat Good Boy Goodies @good_boy_goodies Good Threads @goodthreadsga Grace General Goods @gracegeneralgoods Hand Crafted by Colin @handcrafted_by_colin Happy Brain Creations @happy_brain_creations Holly's Mesh Creations @taterbabi Hooked By Holly @hookedbyhollycrochet Inkling Printing @inkling_printing Janie & Zo @janieandzo The Knotty Fiber Lillie Smith Crafts @lilliesmithcrafts Linhopart @linhopart Little Light Coffee Co. @littlelightcoffeeco LP Jewelry @lpjewel.ry Lumber & Ink @lumberandink Made with Grace Soaps @made_with_grace_soaps Made Together Collective @madetogethercollective Mama Tried @mamatried_tumblers Meraki Dynasty @merakidynasty Money's Honey @moneyshoneybees My Retro Soul @myretrosoul Nerdy Gerdy Design One Stitch in Front of the Other @onestitchinfrontoftheother Printy Mockingbird @printymockingbird Renew Collective @renew_collective Rowdy Roots @rowdyroots_ga Sew Adaptive Shell's Phine Art shells_phine_art83 Southern Stitches Apparel @southernstitchesapparel Sweet Life Creative @sweetlifecreativeco Sweet T's @tammykothe Val go Art